Al Capone Does My Shirts was written by Gennifer Choldenko in 2004. This book was awarded a Newbery Honor in 2005. I have listened my whole life to my grandmother tell stories of gangsters and such (even her visit to Alcatraz) from her childhood and this story reminded me of her. However, what drew me to this story was my recent interest in autism. I have been blessed this year to have an autistic child in my classroom and have been reading various articles to learn more about it. As newly diagnosed as autism actuallly is, I can’t imagine being a child in the 1930’s and having this condition fictional or otherwise. This story gives insights into what it is like for families trying to make it financially and relying on siblings to care for each other.
Choldenko does an outstanding job with the historical aspects of the story even to the point of pointing out what is not accurate. Historical fiction is my favorite genre of children’s books to read and this author has certainly done her research. While reading this book I kept being reminded of the movie “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape” because of the autism parallel. I prefer Choldenko’s story however just because of the child point of view. I can’t wait to read Al Capone Shines My Shoes.
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